The Ruhnu Museum is open to visitors throughout the summer. If the door is locked, please call +37256675269.
Adult: 5 €
Senior, Student, Teacher: 4 €
Student: 2 €
Family (2 adults & children): 10 €
Payment can be made in cash or by card!
* It is possible to book the smoke sauna.
Ruth Keskpaik
The Ruhnu Museum was established in 1990, and its current permanent exhibition opened in 1998.
In the museum, you can see tools and utensils that belonged to the people of Ruhnu, as well as photos and texts about the island’s unique history and nature. There are also traditional costumes worn by Ruhnu men, women, and children. Among the rare exhibits are quartz tools dating back up to eight thousand years, a dragon-shaped weather vane from the wooden church (1644), and a seal gun made by the indigenous Swedes, among others. The restoration of the nearly two-century-old Korsi farm, the last remaining typical farm complex of the Ruhnu Swedes in Ruhnu, is underway. It is unique with its foundationless longhouse and hipped roof.
Opening Hours
The Ruhnu Museum is open to visitors throughout the summer. If the door is locked, please call +37256675269.
Museum Ticket Prices:
Payment can be made in cash or by card!
* It is possible to book the smoke sauna.
Ruth Keskpaik
Phone: +37256675269
A church built in 1644, the oldest surviving wooden building in the Baltic region.
A stone church built in 1912, dedicated to St. Magdalene, located just three steps away from the Old Church.
The metal lighthouse in Ruhnu was designed by Gustave Eiffel and construction began in 1877.
Limo Beach, a wide (30–50 m) sandy beach located between Limo and Rings-Udden in the southeast of Ruhnu Island.
Toetusraha saab kanda muuseumi kontole:
Account Holder: Rahandusministeerium
Bank: SEB Pank AS
Address: Tornimäe 2, Tallinn, 15010, Estonia
IBAN: EE891010220034796011
Reference Number: 3500082114
Explanation: Korsi talu
Kõiki toetajaid ette tänades,
Rannarootsi muuseum
Muuseumi hinnakiri:
Rannarootsi muuseumi lahtiolekuajad:
01.09-30.04: T-L kell 10-16.
02.05-31.05: T-L kell 10-18.
01.06-31.08: T-L kell 10-18;
E ja P kell 10-16.
+372 47 37165
Ruhnu muuseum
+372 56675269
Lahtioleku ajad
Ruhnu muuseum on suvisel ajal avatud külalistele kogu aeg.