The Ruhnu Museum is open to visitors throughout the summer. If the door is locked, please call +37256675269.
Adult: 5 €
Senior, Student, Teacher: 4 €
Student: 2 €
Family (2 adults & children): 10 €
Payment can be made in cash or by card!
* It is possible to book the smoke sauna.
Ruth Keskpaik
The coastal rug tells the story of the Swedes who came to Estonia about 1000 years ago. Against the backdrop of the gray everyday life of the local peasant, there are many colorful moments in the history of the Coastal Swedes, which together form a very unique saga: they once came across the sea to settle the uninhabited coasts and islands of Estonia. With their special privileges, they managed to preserve their Swedish identity through the centuries until the Second World War. Various state authorities, wars, epidemics, constant struggle for their rights, distinctive folk traditions, building their own Swedish-language education and cultural world – these are the keywords of this narrative. The coastal rug is embroidered by Estonian Swede women, who from November 2001 to May 2002, shared their stories at the Estonian Swedes Museum to preserve the history of the Coastal Swedes for future generations.
Muuseumi hinnakiri:
Rannarootsi muuseumi lahtiolekuajad:
01.09-30.04: T-L kell 10-16.
02.05-31.05: T-L kell 10-18.
01.06-31.08: T-L kell 10-18;
E ja P kell 10-16.
+372 47 37165
Ruhnu muuseum
+372 56675269
Lahtioleku ajad
Ruhnu muuseum on suvisel ajal avatud külalistele kogu aeg.